Leg Developer Attachment + Upper Body Kit Bundle

Train Leg Extensions, Hamstring Curls, and Upper Body. Upgrade your Hyper into a 9 in 1 machine. 

Prezzo scontato €380,00
Il 92% dei clienti aggiunge:
Upper Body Kit

Allena Rematori, Facepulls, Skullcrushers, Curl per bicipiti, Woodchops e altro ancora.


Why You’ll Love It

Features built for every athlete, anywhere you train.

Montatura Rapida

Il Leg Developer si monta in soli 5 secondi.

Imbottitura di Qualità

Utilizziamo imbottiture super-spesse con copertura in PVC, perfette per assicurare comfort e durabilità anche durante gli allenamenti più intensi.

9 Macchine in 1

Sostituisci macchinari da +5000€ con Hyper Pro.

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Target every muscle with 25+ exercises

Whether you're focused on building strength, improving mobility, or overcoming injury, the Hyper Pro is for you.

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Frequently asked questions